Usage in production settings without a Java SE for Business support contract is not recommended. 在没有JavaSE商业支持合同(SC)的情况下,不推荐在生产环境中使用G1。
Our company is pitching for the support contract. 我们公司正在争取那份援助合同。
The good news is that today you can also sign up with IBM for a support contract with Linux, which even the most senior of AIX administrators continue to do on AIX. 幸运的是,您还可以与IBM签署Linux支持合同(SC),这是即使最高级的AIX管理员也将会在AIX上继续做的事情。
Although G1 is available for use in this release, note that production use of G1 is only permitted where a Java support contract has been purchased. 虽然G1已经发布,请注意对G1的生产环境使用必须购买Java支持合同(SC)才能获得授权。
The Study of Correlation between Mental Health and Social Support in Contract Nurses 合同制护士的心理健康和社会支持的相关性研究