Although my English level isn't very well, I had to write cross-border mail recently * the person I contacted with is a diplomat, which I felt really troublesome and ashamed. 虽然我的英语水平不好,近日却不得已天天与人写跨国邮件,对方还是个外交官,真是又累又惭愧。
It must be clear which person must be contacted for specific questions. 某个问题联系人(PC)必须非常清楚。
As cell phones are carried by majority of the population, just store the number of a contact person or person who should be contacted at during emergency as ICE ' ( meaning In Case of Emergency ). 既然大多数人都携带手机,就把紧急联络人的电话号码用“ICE”为代号储存起来。
If the other person doesn't want to be contacted, don't take itpersonally. 如果别人不想和你联系,也不要介意。
No matter because of, on business still is illicit and visit, want beforehand undertakes with the person that be visited the phone is contacted. 不论因公还是因私而访,都要事前与被访者进行电话联系。