The fragment cache supports two primary types of cache instances : object cache instances and servlet cache instances. 片段缓存支持两种主要的缓存实例:对象缓存实例和Servlet缓存实例。
The primary purpose of a cache is to reduce service time and increase throughput by reusing the results of a previous computation. cache的主要用途是重用前一次处理得出的结果以减少服务时间和增加吞吐量。
On this basis, this paper primary did research on the cache replacement and transmission algorithms. 在此基础上,重点研究了缓存淘汰与替换以及数据调度算法。
Develop Economy in Villages and Towns with Local Conditions ── The application of the Theory of the Primary Stage of Socialism in Cache District 因地制宜,发展乡镇经济&社会主义初级阶段理论在草河区的应用
On UNIX, there is a suboption to specify groupAccess, which gives access to all users in the primary group of the user that created the cache. 在UNIX上,有一个指定groupAccess的子选项,它允许创建这个缓存的用户的主组中的所有用户访问这个缓存。