The camera software system design based on Android platform, and the specific design of software program, camera and sensor driver software were mainly studied in this paper. 研究了基于Android平台的Camera软件系统设计,从软件技术方案、Camera和摄像头驱动软件的具体设计进行了深入研究。
Preprocessing module mainly realizes image acquisition program using USB-based camera, display program, and storage procedures. 图像预处理模块主要实现基于USB摄像头的图像获取程序,显示程序和存储程序的设计与实现。
Based on the knowledge, the server program for IP camera is designed that can capture image and send data by network continuously and concurrently. 本文正是基于这些知识,设计实现了一个可以同时采集图像和通过网络传送数据的网络摄像机服务器端程序。
First the paper analyzed the function of software program of industrial camera; Second, designed software programs according to functional requirements, including the SOPC Platform, Nios ⅱ software program and the USB firmware. 首先研究了工业相机软件程序的功能需求;其次设计了相关的软件程序,包括SOPC运行平台、NiosⅡ软件程序和USB固件程序。
Program reset enables the camera or wireless unit to be programmed to restart during a specified time interval. 程序重置可以对相机和无线接入单元进行编程,进而在特殊的时间间隔中重新启动。