The local update, global update and local search mechanism which closely related with the problem is given. 采用与问题紧密相关的局部更新、全局更新(GU)和局部搜索机制。
A global update was provided to the Committee on the pandemic situation, including a particular focus on developments in Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. 向突发事件委员会通报了全球大流行最新情况,其中重点通报了非洲和南半球的情况。
Global Update(GU) provides regular updates of activities at the UNSW Overseas Offices. 新南威尔士大学海外办事处的全球更新系统提供定期更新。
A dynamic scheduling algorithm based on moving window and consideration of local and global update was put forward for real-time mold scheduling. 考虑动态调度的实时性,提出了局部更新和全局更新(GU)相结合的、基于滑动窗口机制的动态调度方法。
It can avoid falling into local optimization problem to a certain extent to apply the maximum-the smallest ant system ( MMAS ), during the period of having the ant colony algorithm and to use the local pheromone update and global update rules at the same time. 在蚁群算法阶段使用最大-最小蚂蚁系统(MMAS),而且同时采用信息素的局部更新和全局更新(GU)规则,有效避免了陷入局部最优问题。