A list of the header files can be found in the. 中可以找到头文件列表。
AutoFilter cannot be used on list with no header. autofilter无法在没有标题的列表上使用。
The default list element has a header, footer and detail section. 默认的列表元素有一个头,一个尾和细节部分。
When a URI is invoked with the value / employee / list and the accept header is application / json_grid, then getEmployeeList () is triggered and returns a response that is in a DojoGrid format. 当使用/employee/list值调用一个URI时,接受的头部是application/jsongrid,然后getEmployeeList()被触发并返回一个DojoGrid格式的响应。
When the list is rendered, the header and footer are usually displayed once, while the detail section is displayed for every row of the data set that is bound to the list. 当渲染列表时,头和尾通常只显示一次,而绑定到列表的数据集的每一行的细节部分都要显示。