Whether you should use a short or long program depends on your strengths, preferences, and goals. 您是否应该使用短些或长些的计划,取决于您的力量,喜好,和目标。
I look very forward to2008 Long Canyon program. 我盼望非常对2008长的峡谷节目。
Second, you create a start time value by calling time. time (), and then call it again and subtract the initial value to determine how long the program takes to execute. 然后,通过调用time.time(),您创建了一个开始时间值,然后再次调用该函数,并且减去开始值以确定执行该程序花费了多长时间。
If not, however, the long running program is interrupted and moved to the end of the queue to wait another turn. 如果处理还没完成,则长的运行程序就被中断了,把它移到队伍的末端,等待下一轮再运行。
A different way to take advantage of shorter, more responsive forecasts would be to break up a long training program into discrete parts, each with its own forecast. 另一种对周期更短、反应更迅速的预测的利用方式是打破长期培训计划而将其分成几个不连续的部分,每一部分都拥有对其自身的预测。