The objective function is rejection costs plus weighted total completion times. Applying linear programming relaxations, a 3-approximation algorithm has been obtained while jobs have no precedence constraints and a 4-approximation algorithm has been obtained while jobs have precedence constraints. 考虑目标函数是拒绝费用与带权总完工时间之和,应用线性规划松弛方法设计了近似算法,当工件之间没有优先关系时得到3-近似算法,当工件之间具有优先关系时得到4-近似算法。
Under the simple linear deteriorating, nonnegative start and stop lag deteriorating rates are introduced so as to combine jobs and construct composite jobs satisfying precedence relations. 在作业加工时间简单线性恶化下,提出作业的非负开始和停止延迟恶化率,构造了满足约束条件的复合作业。