The school presented a group of sketches instead of a long play. 学校上演了几个小戏,没有演长剧(LP)。
I think the management and a long history play an important role in running a hotel. 我认为一家星级酒店的管理方式和资深的历史是非常重要的。
Mike O'Brien : A role playing is about your strength depends on how long you play it. 角色扮演游戏中,你的能力取决于你的游戏时长。
The long term play is going to be fuel cell. 从长期来看,燃料电池车型才是最后的赢家。
Then, you select the voice to be used for the narrator or announcer, and note the beginning time so that you can get a measure of how long the play is when it has finished running. 然后,选择将用于旁白员或报幕员的声音,并记录开始时间,以便在剧本运行完时可以知道它运行了多长时间。