Based on the experience of hydraulic model test for the construction diversion tunnel of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project, the author introduced the treatment measures and methods required for tunnel model test when the roughness of model is different from that of prototype due to limit of material. 结合百色水利枢纽导流隧洞水工模型试验,介绍隧洞模型试验中,由于材料限制,模型糙率与原型糙率不相似时采取的处理措施和方法。
The result of prototype shows the starter can limit the start current of motor as expected. 现场试验结果表明该装置能够限定电动机起动电流,达到设计目的。
Such being the case, accuracy of test results can be obtained through verification on condition that a model is similar to prototype, departure from water surface profile is in a limit required and distribution of flow velocity on cross-section coincides basically with each other. 在此情况下,通过验证试验,只要做到模型与原型基本相似,水面线的偏离处于要求范围内,流速沿断面的分布基本上与原型一致,这样就可以保证试验成果的可靠性。
In experiments, the prototype is capable of detecting trace explosive particles such as TNT and RDX at the level of micrograms, the detection limit is not less than 1 microgram. 对两种常见固态爆炸物梯恩梯(TNT)和黑索金的探测实验表明,它能够检测出微克量级的爆炸物微粒,检测极限约为1μg。