Perl seemed an obvious language to choose for this project & it is supported on most typical platforms, and there are many convenient libraries available in the Perl library repository, CPAN. Perl看来是这个项目的首选语言&在很多平台上似乎都受到支持,此外,在Perl的知识库CPAN中,还有很多方便的库可以使用。
There is no requirement in the Perl XML-RPC library that there be a Perl function called sum (). 在PerlXML-RPC库中不需要有一个称为sum()的Perl函数。
Don't let the name fool you; this really is Perl's XML-RPC library, which for historical reasons has this unexpected name. 不要被它的名称所蒙蔽;这实际上是Perl的XML-RPC库,由于历史原因才有了这个意外的名称。
For installation on UNIX, your user may need root or at least some administrative privileges, because installation is done into Perl's own library directory. 如果要在UNIX下安装,您的用户还得有根权限或者至少一部分的管理权限,因为模块是要被安装到Perl自身的库文件目录中去的。
In contrast with other open source languages like Perl and Python, PHP lacks a robust community effort to develop a math library. 与其它开放源码语言(比如Perl和Python)相比,PHP社区缺少强有力的工作来开发数学库。