In the process of steel bar induction heating, the heated steel bar moves continuously at a certain speed. 在钢棒的感应加热过程中,被加热的钢棒以一定的速度连续运动。
Fault Diagnosis for Broken Rotor Bar in Induction Motor Supplied by a Converter 变频供电异步电动机转子断条故障诊断
In the process of floating zone refining neodymium bar with induction heating, the electromagnetic forces exerted on floating melted zone of neodymium bar by high frequency current in induction coil were calculated. 计算了感应加热悬浮区熔提纯钕棒过程中,感应线圈中的高频电流作用在钕棒悬浮熔区上的电磁力。
Improved Design of the Bus bar in Induction Heating Installation 感应加热装置汇流母线的改进设计
CALCULATION OF SKIN EFFECT FOR DOUBLE-CAGE ROTOR BAR OF THE INDUCTION MACHINE three-phase squirrel-cage asynchronous motor 异步电机双笼转子导条集肤效应的计算三相鼠笼型异步电动机