Construction of information application system? 信息应用系统(AS)建设。
Choosing a high standard database product is not equal to have a good database application system. 选择了一个高性能的数据库产品不等于就有一个好的数据库应用系统(AS)。
You can produce multiple parts of an application system from the same source. 您可以用相同的源来创建一个应用程序系统的多个部分。
The pureScale Application System(AS) is designed to provide application transparency and continuous availability, and grows with near-linear efficiency. pureScaleApplicationSystem设计用于提供应用透明度和持续可用性,并能够达到接近线性的效率增长。
The application system using master data exists and is used after the MDM hub is built. 存在使用主数据的应用程序系统,而且在建立MDMhub之后仍然要使用它们。