With auto-scaling in a cloud-based infrastructure, it is possible to dynamically change the number of server instances. 利用基于云的基础设施中的自动伸缩功能,动态更改服务器实例的数量是有可能的。
This monitoring extension, when coupled with triggers and actions, will allow for further standardised auto-scaling. 当与触发器和动作结合使用时,这个监督扩展让更加标准化的自动扩充成为可能。
This API architecture is the basis for the auto-scaling that the bank needed to integrate with its on-premises monitoring systems. 这种API架构是银行与其内部部署的监视系统集成所需的自动缩放(AS)功能的基础。
Heroku handles everything, from version control and collaboration to auto-scaling ( built on top of Amazon's EC2 ). Heroku会处理一切,从版本控制到自动伸缩的协作(基于Amazon的EC2之上)。
Automatic Scaling-The auto-scaling service will allow you to grow and shrink your usage of EC2 capacity on demand based on application requirements. 自动伸缩&自动伸缩服务允许你基于应用需求随时扩大或缩小EC2的使用容量。