Another form of vocabulary standard is an authority file. 另一种形式的词汇表标准是规范文件(authorityfile)。
One method to satisfy the access authority on file access is to implement an access control list ( ACL ). 对文件访问进行访问授权的一种方法是实现访问控制列表(ACL)。
If the enterprise is revoked by law, it shall go to the original the property right registration authority to file for cancellation registration within thirty days from the date of the decision made by the concerned government bodies. 企业被依法撤销的,应当自政府有关部门决定之日起30日内向原产权登记机关申办注销产权登记。
Metadata is managed by metadata server which includes the attributes and access authority of file. 元数据包括文件的属性和访问权限,由元数据服务器管理;
The act of compelling by force of authority. The men file onto the parade grind and past the general. 通过权威人士的武力强制的行为。士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场自将军面前走过。