The new rules were issued a week after the finale and included a mention that " flirtatious and affected manners on stage " are also banned. 新的规则在结局之后被发行一个星期而且包括提到“在阶段上的爱调戏的而且影响礼貌”也被禁止。
There was a deafening roar as the Queen, resplendent in a golden outfit, made her way to the centre of the stage after the finale of her Diamond Jubilee concert. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世身穿金色套装出席登基60周年钻禧庆典,在庆祝音乐会结束后走到舞台中央。
Last fall, it was reported that the script was near completion, with the story apparently picking up six months after the series finale. 去年秋季曾有报道,称电影版的剧本即将定稿,其情节设定于电视剧最终集的六个月之后。
Moffat said after the season 3 finale that it's possible that the show won't be on the air again for another two years, much like the first season's debut in 2010, the second season in 2012 and the third in 2014. 莫法特表示在未来两年内《神探夏洛克》都不会可能会回归,就像是2010年的第一季、2012的第二季和2014年第三季。
Days after his character, Howard, tied the knot and blasted off into space in the comedy's season finale, Us Magazine reports that Helberg and his wife have welcomed their first child. 就在他在剧中所饰角色霍华德Howard在季终如愿以偿抱得美人归又飞往太空后几天,据杂志报道:赫尔伯格和他的妻子迎来了第一个孩子。