Encryption prevents the unit from working with unauthorized systems, and authorization can be automatically restricted to specific dates. 加密功能可防止该钥匙与未经授权的系统工作,授权还能被自动地限制到具体日期。
To do that the agent must obtain beforehand a certificate from the unit that delegates the authority and sign the contract in the unit's name and within the limits of authorization. 代理人必须事前取得责任代理的授权,在授权范围内以责任代理的名义签署合同。
Of property regulation set : the property that the27th owner enjoys lawfully is common place, common the droit of facilities facilities or use, construction unit does not get disciplinary action of do sth without authorization. 物业治理条例的规定:第二十七条业主依法享有的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有权或者使用权,建设单位不得擅自处分。
Any department or unit shall not be allowed to enter foreign investment enterprise to carry out inspection without authorization except in case of investigating criminal cases. 除刑事案件侦查外,任何部门和单位不得擅自进入外来投资企业进行检查。
No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move such signs or boundary markers without authorization. 任何单位和个人不得损坏、自挪动该标桩、桩。