Visual user agents generally indent nested lists with respect to the current level of nesting. 可视化用户代理通常会对嵌套列表(NL)根据其嵌套的级别进行缩进。
The nested lists are forming a parent-child relationship based on a set of keys. 嵌套列表(NL)基于一组键形成父子关系。
Note that the values in a list or dictionary don't have to be all of the same type; you can mix strings, numbers, and even nested lists and dictionaries if you wish. 注意,列表或字典中的值不一定必须是相同的类型;可以混合使用字符串、数字,甚至是嵌套的列表或字典,如果需要的话。
Step by step tutorials on using CSS to create background image lists, rollover lists, nested lists and horizontal lists. 教程步骤一步使用CSS来创建背景图像列表,滚动列表,列表的嵌套列表(NL)和水平。
Note that the inv function uses SPL nested lists to represent matrices, as there is no matrix type in SPL. 请注意,inv函数使用SPL嵌套列表(NL)来表示矩阵,因为SPL中没有矩阵类型。