Computer aided quality management system consists of four layers, running management layer, framework service layer, base quality data layer, and function layer. Through requirements analysis, designing, development, and test running four stages, the system was implemented. 该计算机辅助质量管理系统由系统运行管理、基础框架服务、基础质量信息支持平台、系统功能层组成,分为需求分析,系统设计、开发和实施等步骤。
The metrological management information system incarnates the business rule 、 information transaction of the metrological surveillance service by Computer Aided Management and can administer the layout of humans 、 finance 、 facilities that concerned in the metrological surveillance service. 计量管理信息系统将计量检定监督管理的业务规则、信息处理借助计算机辅助管理的形式予以体现,并实现了监督管理所涉及的人、财、物等资源的规划管理。