Participation in Holy Communion(HC) by members of more than one church ( eg Catholic and Orthodox ). 不止一个教会的成员进行的圣餐(HC)聚会(例如天主教或东正教)。
First Holy Communion(HC) is the colloquial name for a person's first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist. 第一圣餐(HC)是一个人的圣体圣事一传口语的名称。
Near the end of the Mass Benedict walked down from the altar to distribute Holy Communion(HC). 在弥撒快结束时,教皇本笃走下神坛分发圣餐(HC)。
I remind priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion(HC) to practice good hygiene. 我要提醒各位司铎,执事和非常务送圣体员要特别注重卫生。
A member with infant baptism shall partake of the Holy Communion(HC) in this congregation after the rite of confirmation. 接受过婴儿洗礼的会员在接受坚信礼之后方可领受圣餐(HC)。