The case for the alternative vote is that the system gives ( some ) weight to voters ' second preferences and prevents anyone being elected without the support of half the voters, however lukewarm. 支持AV制的理由是,该制度会向选民的次优选项赋予了(一定)权重,可(或多或少地)避免任何一个得不到一半以上选民支持的候选人当选。
Even if the alternative vote is not the official system, voters will tend to behave as if it were. 即使AV制不是正式的投票制度,选民的投票模式也往往符合AV制的安排。
There was no alternative for them but to vote in favour. 他们别无选择,只有投票赞成。
It could also provide an alternative route for oil out of southern Sudan, a semi-autonomous region due to vote on independence from the Khartoum regime in a referendum in 2011. 它还可能为南苏丹的石油出口提供一条替代线路。南苏丹是一个半自治地区,该地区将在2011年举行公投,决定是否从苏丹独立出去。
He did, however, provide an alternative for anyone who wanted to oust heath, but couldn't bring themselves to vote for a woman. 不过,对那些既想赶希恩下台,又不愿意支持一个女人当领袖的选民来说,他倒是个人选。