Note : the most valuable person, not necessarily on the most people can say, God gave us two ears one mouth, is the least let us listen to the many. 注:最有价值的人(MVP),不一定是会说,神给了我们两只耳朵一张嘴,就是最让我们多听。
Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. 健康是最宝贵的藏一个人在他的生活的期望。
Sharing love is probably the most valuable and meaningful experience a person can ever have. 分享爱或许是人一生中最宝贵、最有意义的经历。
The talented person is the most valuable resource. The development of the region is depended on the development of the talented person in the region. 人才是最宝贵的资源,区域经济发展取决于区域人才的优势度。
Most valuable resources in rural areas are human & peasants are the most active factor productivity. Seize the person who seized the key to the problem. 农村中最宝贵的资源是人&农民是生产力中最活跃的因素,抓住了人就抓住了问题的关键。