Of course, a high quality original content is also attract customers of the main factors. 当然了,一个高质量的原创内容也是吸引顾客的最主要的因素。
This field contains characters that are not valid. The original content will be restored. 此域包含无效字符。将还原到原始内容(OC)。
You provide a pointer to the original content. 只不过这里提供的是一个对原始内容(OC)的指针。
Tudou is investing in the production of original content which it has started selling on to traditional broadcasters. 土豆网正投资于原创内容的制作,并已开始将这些内容出售给传统的广播公司。
Variability allows you to create new elements based on existing ones without directly modifying their original content. 可变性允许您在不直接修改原始内容(OC)的情况下基于现有的创建新元素。