Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament(NT) in Mongolian. 直到今年8月,还没有《新约全书》的蒙古语全译本。
The New Testament(NT) consists of early Christian literature. 《新约》包含了早期基督教文学。
The New Testament(NT) describes the life and work of Jesus Christ and the early development of christianity. 新约记述了耶稣基督的生活和事迹以及基督教的早期发展。
One of the four Gospels in the New Testament(NT); contains details of Jesus's birth and early life. 新约中四个福音之一;包含基督诞生和早期生活的细节。
The core of New Testament(NT) belief and proclamation is found in the earliest Christian baptismal affirmations of faith. 《新约》信仰和宣言的核心是在最早的基督徒施洗者对信念的确认中被发现的。