And the division of residential community space, associate in the space in model of residential community, experience from space have been explained. 并对居住空间划分、居住区典型交往空间、空间感受等进行了阐述。
Junior or community colleges offer a two-year associate degree. 中级或社区学校提供两年副学位。
Oscar is a normal cat with an extra-normal sense for death, Dr. Joan M. Teno, professor of community health at Brown and associate medical director of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island, told the Boston Globe. Oscar是一只普通的猫,但它对于死亡却有着超常的感应,布朗大学公共卫生教授、罗德岛家庭和临终关怀医疗顾问琼M特诺在接受《波士顿环球报》采访时说。
I went to a Community College for two years to get my Associate's Degree before transferring to a four-year university. 我先上的社会大学,获得了我的预科学位,然后才转到四年制的大学的。
The list gets longer still ( much longer ) if you include community colleges and other accredited institutions that offer two-year associate's degrees. 如果包括了社区大学和其他的一些提供两年制的合作办学的机构,这个清单将会更长(会长很多)。