The protocol uses HMAC to guarantee the client being active, then protects leasing from attacks. 该协议灵活运用HMAC,确保代理每次租借时客户总是激活的,从而尽量避免恶意攻击。
If a client is still active after a month there is a higher chance they will renew at the end of their term hence being able to payout a high commission rate to Affiliates. 如果客户端仍然活跃后一个月有较高的机会,他们将继续在其任期结束因此能够支付较高的佣金率子公司。
Catalog client connections to any active pureScale members and connect to the database. 目录客户端连接到任何主动pureScale成员且连接到数据库。
The obtainment methods of client information include : active return visit, call, documents and visit by the client as well as the client opinion inquiry organized if necessary. 顾客信息的获取方法有主动回访、顾客的来电、来文、来访以及在必要时组织的顾客意见征询活动。
We also need to configure the DWR client side engine to use active Reverse Ajax, so we need to call dwr. engine. setActiveReverseAjax ( true ). 我们还需要配置DWR客户端引擎,以使用活动ReverseAjax,因此我们需要调用dwr.engine.setActiveReverseAjax(true)。