Today, we gripe about it taking an extra few seconds for a text message to go through. 而今天,如果一条文字信息的传送多花了几秒钟的时间,我们就会发牢骚。
But a couple of extra CPU seconds per message is prohibitive to spammers who want to send millions of messages. 但是,对那些想要发送数百万消息的垃圾邮件制造者来说,不能容忍每条消息使用额外几秒的CPU时间。
Whirlwind does not, but hits up to4 targets with both weapons, so it is essentially the equivalent of an extra autoattack every ten seconds. 旋风斩不是,但是可以用两把武器同时k4个目标,所以在每10秒中基本可以和额外的普通攻击差不多。
Minute beep is the tool that helps you to reduce call charges. don't pay for an extra minute because of two seconds. 软件简介通话计时提醒是一款帮助你减少手机通话费用的工具。不会因为超过2秒而支付额外的费用。
For the extra outlay, you get more in the way of'complications,'the watchmaker's term for any function beyond displaying the seconds, minutes and hours. 多花一些钱,在“复杂性”这一方面就可以得到更多。这是手表厂商用来描述除计时以外其他功能之词汇。