The real engineering sample card is full of dangling wires. 真正的工程样品(ES)卡插满了悬挂的电缆。
But don't some organic fertilizers provide plant food? Procure materials for prototype & engineering sample build. 但是,有些有机肥不是能为作物提供养料吗?原型样品与工程样机所需原材料的采购与供应。
Anything wrong with the Engineering Sample(ES)? 中文好似叫工程样本。
In the last, the author analyzes the wastage about the converter, analyzes the wastage about switching component and magnetism component, tests the performances about the engineering sample power supply. 最后,对电源进行了损耗分析,重点分析了开关器件和磁性元件的损耗,并对电源样机的各种性能指标进行测试。
An engineering sample with intelligent data collection control series modules to support field bus and remote control of railway signal system is introduced. 介绍了一个支持现场总线的智能数据采集控制系列模块成功运用于铁路信号系统的远程控制的工程实例。