No evidence of chiral symmetry restoration happens in the mass spectrum. 从质量谱上没有看到手征对称性恢复的迹象。
At first, scientists tried to find evidence that the universe has the properties of mirror symmetry. 起初,科学家们试图寻找证明宇宙镜像对称的证据。
The results indicate that in the two-dimensional case U ( 1 ) symmetry is not broken but in the three-dimensional case a clear evidence of spontaneous breaking of the U ( 1 ) symmetry is observed in the weak coupling region. 结果表明,对二维情况不存在U(1)对称性的自发破缺,对三维情况,在弱耦合区看到了明显的U(1)对称性的自发破缺。