Note : From the downloads page, you must select a build page ( stable builds / S20070910-RC1 was selected for this exercise, but that could change, so you should select the latest stable build ). 注:在下载页面中,必须选择一个版本(本练习选择的是稳定版本S20070910-RC1,但是提供的版本会随时间变化,所以应该选择最新的稳定版本)。
You 'll build a page with two fields : input and output. 建立一个页面包括两栏:输入和输出。
To access the web bootstrapper settings dialog box, click the settings button on the build property page for a deployment project. 若要访问“web引导程序设置”对话框,请单击部署项目的“生成属性页”上的“设置”按钮。
Press Next to switch to the build engine page. 单击Next以切换到构建引擎页面。
This is an ideal place to apply our ETag comparison logic so that if we find the data that is used to build a page hasn't changed we can avoid further processing. 这儿是应用我们ETag比较逻辑的理想场所,因此如果我们发现构建一个页面的数据没有发生变化,我们可以避免进一步处理。