On a prudent risk management basis, companies should be balancing their portfolio & thinking and moving, to use an old phrase, beyond petroleum. 在审慎风险管理的基础上,企业应该平衡其投资组合&用一句老话说,超越石油去思考和行动。
In 1986, a surge in new supplies from the North Sea and Alaska, areas beyond the influence of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, drove down prices. 而在1986年,北海与阿拉斯加的石油供应激增,压低了油价,这些地区不受石油输出国组织(OrganizationOfThePetroleumExportingCountries)的影响。
In the world, although petroleum supply is beyond the demand, the distribution and consumption of petroleum resource in area does not in equilibrium and petroleum resource has been one of the scarce resources in China. 从全球范围看,石油的供给大于需求,但是石油资源的分布和消费具有极大的非均衡性,石油的价格和供给容易被产油国和组织所左右。