Determination for Trace Mercury in atmosphere using the cold amalgam enrichment-cold AAS 金汞齐富集&冷原子吸收法测定大气中的微量汞
Using capillary draw off a drop of amalgam and hang it to hanging mercury drop electrode, the hanging amalgam drop electrode used as the working electrode. 用毛细管取一小滴汞齐挂于悬汞电极上,以悬汞电极作工作电极,用计时安培法在-0.2V下测定了锂、钙在汞中的扩散系数。
To solve this problem, the traditional method is to add a certain amount of metal mercury which can react with the copper coating in the anode lid to produce amalgam and lower hydrogen evolution corrosion, so as to restrain the production of hydrogen. 为了解决该问题,传统的方法是在负极锌粉或锌膏中添加一定量的金属汞,汞与负极盖内壁的铜镀层反应生成汞齐,降低析氢腐蚀,抑制氢气的产生。
To eliminate the harm of mercury, we, by means of special technology, have developed a new type of dental filling material, comprising of glass ionomer and 100 % ultra-fine ball-shaped silver amalgam powder. 研制一种新型的牙科充填材料,由玻璃离子水门汀与100%精细球形银合金粉经特殊工艺复合而成。