I 'll be back stage after the show. 演唱会后,我会在后台(BS)等你。
I have been performing for most of my life, so I have had a lot of experience working with back-stage crews, but this was my first time actually being in charge of back stage. 演出对我来说是轻车熟路,所以和后台(BS)人员一块儿工作,我可是很有经验的。但这毕竟是我第一次实实在在地负责后台(BS)工作。
But just when other artists started walking along the star corridor in the rain, I was told that I could go to the back stage to have my interview of Anita Mui. 然而,就在众多明星开始在雨中踏上星光大道时,我被告知可以到后台(BS)对梅艳芳进行采访。
Once on the stage, she can leave behind at the back stage all pains from her ailment and her sorrows. 只消在台上,她把病痛和悲伤的外衣脱下,挂在后台(BS)。
But sources say Selena was secretly laying low back stage at the event and left the Nokia theater with the singer following the show. 但是有消息称赛琳娜一直秘密呆在后台(BS)后来和比伯一起离开了诺基亚中心。