The optimized local adapter CICS link server running in CICS reads the XA transaction context and creates a new unit of work to run the specified native language program. 在CICS中运行的优化的本地适配器CICS链接服务器(LS)读取XA事务上下文并创建新的工作单元以便运行指定的本地语言程序。
The link server accepts program LINK requests from WebSphere Application Server over optimized local adapters and calls the target CICS program using the EXEC CICS LINK API. 链接服务器(LS)通过优化的本地适配器接受来自WebSphereApplicationServer的程序LINK请求,并使用EXECCICSLINKAPI调用目标CICS程序。
The link server drives the appropriate functions on the CICS OTS ( OT ) domain to complete the unit of work. 链接服务器(LS)在CICSOTS(OT)域中驱动适当的函数以便完成工作单元。
If you want to check the correct value of this port, select the Application servers link under the Server section. 如果要检查此端点的正确值,请选择Server部分下的Applicationservers链接。
Pipelines from the individual blades link to the server rack's water-pipe network, which in turn is connected to the main water transportation network. 每台刀片服务器上的冷却水管将被接入服务器机架的水管网络中,最后再接入到主输水网络中。