But to state this outcome is to indicate why it has next to no chance of happening. 但这一结果说明了,为何这种情况几乎不可能发生。
I would state this once only. 我只能声明一次。
If an iteration does not succeed on a given project, the project manager ( PM ) can state this on the performance assessment of the resource. 如果已知项目中的迭代没有成功,项目经理(PM)可以将此写在资源的表现评估上。
Instead of Failed, the WriteFile step is in the Stopped state this time, which enables you to perform actions that are not valid for Failed activities. 这次,WriteFile步骤处于Stopped状态而不是Failed,这允许您执行那些对失败的行为无效的操作。
When we say that we are going berserk, we may not realize how extreme a state this might be. 当我们说我们正变得狂暴时,我们可能不知道这种状况会有多严重。