Because of the specific character of domestic trust investment companies, this paper digest the risks the trust investment companies facing and design the risk warning index system for trust investment company management. 由于信托投资公司所面临风险的独特性,本文系统的研究了信托投资公司所面临的风险并设计了针对信托投资公司风险管理的系统的风险预警指标体系。
The empirical studies show that given the present market price of the stock, the rate of marginal growth flow reflects the investment worth of the high technical listed companies scientifically, therefore is a very good evaluation index. 实证研究结果表明:边际成长流量比可以科学地反映高科技上市公司在现行股票市价条件下的投资价值,是一种理想的评价指标。
This article deals with risk management, analysis and control of asset combination and management in securities and investment companies by VaR method, an international practice, and builds a risk management model with VaR as the main risk control index to carry out empirical research and discussion. 本文使用国际通行的VaR方法来研究证券投资公司资产组合管理的风险计量、分析和控制。建立了以VaR为主要风险控制指标的风险管理模型,并进行了相应的实证研究和探讨。
To proceed the investment value of the listed companies with the EVA theory compare with Price-earnings ratio and Dividends - discounts model of the traditional profits index can accurately reflect the true value of the companies. 相对于市盈率、股息贴现模型等传统的投资价值分析方法,EVA有许多优点,能够更为准确地反映公司股票的真实价值。
As a new way to judge relative investment value of listed companies, the paper will conclude a positive result by comparing investing yield ratio of portfolio with that of stock index in the same term. 作为上市公司相对投资价值判断的新方法,对评价结果用模拟投资组合的方式将其收益率和大盘指数同期涨跌幅作了对比。