Make complaints to law enforcement only when the evidence is overwhelming and physical, like a totally trashed house after a break-in. 抱怨执法机构只有在证据是压倒性的和自然的时候,就象一个被闯入后的房子成了完全的垃圾。
Then, specially sworn court officials could carefully examine the suspicious cases, before reporting to law enforcement only those few that met statutory definitions of probable cause. 之后,特别宣誓过的法官仔细检查可疑案例,并只将触犯法律的少数几个人上报执法部门。
Among them, only the two of punishment and deterrence can be treated as nature functions of punitive damages system. And the other two of compensation and encouraging law enforcement can only be considered as supplementary functions. 其中,惩罚和遏制是惩罚性赔偿制度的基本功能,而补偿和鼓励私人执法,则只是次要功能。
It make the law supervision and law enforcement as the only pursue, excluded the pursue of other independent interest. Therefore, the procuratorial organ can protect the public benefits of nation and society in an effective way. 检察机关提起公益诉讼是以行使法律监督权为目的,以监督法律的遵守和实施为唯一追求,排除了任何其他的独立利益追求,因而能够有效维护国家和社会公共利益。
Therefore, the difficulty in environmental protection law enforcement is not only a legal problem but also a comprehensive problem relating to politics, economy, society and other aspects, so it should be solved in the scientific sustainable development. 因此,环境行政执法难不单纯是一个法律问题,而是关系到政治、经济、社会等各个方面的综合问题,环境行政执法难的问题需要在可持续的科学发展中逐步加以解决。