Louise Corbett manages the National Autistic Society(NAS) ( NAS ) helpline and confirms that more calls are coming from couples who have recognised Asperger's in their relationship. LouiseCobett是英国全国孤独症协会的热线电话的负责人。她说,现在越来越多的电话咨询是关于情侣或夫妻关系中的阿斯伯格综合症的问题。
Carol Povey, from the National Autistic Society(NAS), said the study was interesting because it began to link genes thought to be involved in autism to actual changes in brain function. 认为他和项研究是令人注目的,因为它开始把真正引起大脑功能改变的基因与孤独症联系在一起了。