The inner part control directly relates to the realization of the right check and balance, the interests of the shareholders and the improvement of company performance. 公司治理结构直接关系到真正权力制衡的实现、股东利益的维护、公司经营绩效的提高。
All right, check the isolation zones that have logged in. 好,检查有哪些隔离区被使用了。
All right, check that side of the street. 好!检查街道这个方向。
For example, two players can gang up on the third to speed up elimination and two players must compete for the right to check mate the third. 例如,两位选手可以朋比为奸的第三次,以加快消除和两名球员必须争取交配权的第三次检查。
If there is a chance of traffic or pedestrians overtaking you on the right, check your right blind spot just before pulling over. 如果有车辆或行人可能在右侧赶上你,在靠边前检查右侧盲点。