For thousands of years, bamboo utilization stays in the simple process to produce rough productions such as cutting, weaving and using original bamboo. 千百年来竹材利用长期停留在劈篾编织、原竹利用或经过简单的粗加工生产初级产品。
The Scheduling service specification is a simple UML interface defined in the productions package. Scheduling服务规范是在生产包中定义的一个简单的UML接口。
Selective Laser Melting ( SLM ) is a new kind of rapid processing technology which is simple molding and can directly produce the terminal metal productions. 选择性激光熔化技术(selectivelasermelting)是一种新型的快速成型技术,其成形工艺简单,可直接制成终端高致密度金属产品。