The area includes the Collier Seminole State Park(SP) and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. 所要修复的区域包括CollierSeminole州立公园(SP)和佛罗里达美洲豹国家野生动物保护区。
There is a beautiful state park here. 这里有个很美的国家公园。
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park(SP) with its picturesque old lighthouse on the north shore of Lake Superior. 分裂岩石灯塔国家公园与它美丽如画的老灯塔在湖优胜者北部岸。
As a local merchant, I wish to support the development of a ski resort in the state park north of our township. 作为一个当地商人,我希望对位于我镇北部州立公园(SP)内的滑雪场的开发表示支持。
The14 children spend four hours a day at the privately run school playing in a state park forest. MotherEarth是一家私人运营的幼儿园,目前有14名儿童,他们每天有4个小时是在州立公园(SP)的森林里度过的。