Esche materials cooldown : 1 second while this metamagic feat is active, normal material components are not required, but they consume additional spell points. 施法免材冷却时间:1秒使用这个超魔专长可以使你需要普通材料施放的法术不再需要材料,但是会消耗更多的法术点。
The design works okay for Arcane Blast because really that spell itself is just a buff working towards your next Arcane spell, kind of like building up combo points. 奥术冲击的设计非常完美,因为这个法术为你的下一个奥系法术建立起增益的过程就像建立连击点数一样。
Because of your own fate, unwilling to spell and so on, are also verified by fate " three points, seven points to fight on," so to finally to be successful. 因为不甘心自己的命运,所以生死也要拼到底,正验证了“三分靠命运,七分靠打拼”,所以到最后才会成功。
Even some naval experts in the US think carriers ' expense and vulnerability spell an end to the role of these as arbiters of naval supremacy, he points out, and China should look for better ways to meet its strategic needs. 他指出,甚至连美国的一些海军专家也认为,建造航母的费用以及脆弱性将终结航母作为海军霸权主宰者的作用,中国应寻找更好的方式,来满足其战略需要。
Hellfire Blast is a great spell for the early laning phase and a few levels of Attribute Bonus can give you stat points for additional stuns. 冥火爆击是一个早期强大的线上技能,一些属性附加可以让你有更多的属性来造成更多的晕眩。