One striking difference between UNIX and Windows is that UNIX has one big file system, where Windows has a series of drive letters. UNIX和Windows之间的一个显著区别是UNIX有一个大型文件系统,而Windows有一系列的驱动器名。
It's actually a remarkably big file, weighing in at about840K. 它实际上是一个非常大的文件,其大小约为840K。
Photos and office documents can be uploaded to its SkyDrive " cloud " storage and linked to, shared and viewed in a pane in the inbox without cluttering it up with a big file attachment. 用户可以将照片和办公文档上传到它的skydrive云存储中,直接链接到收件箱供友邻分享和浏览,而不必上传巨大的附件。
Adds Lowe : " We've got a big file on it, but it's not one we're ready to add just yet. " 罗维则补充说:“我们从“新经济”中获得了大量信息,但我们现在还不打算把它加到字典中去。”
Write-behind aggregate small files into a big file to reduce the number of disk operations. 合并小顺序I/O,则是将若干个小文件的操作聚合成一个大文件(BF)的操作,从而减小磁盘操作的次数。