DOE proposes a set of transfer functions to convert the measured ballast electrical efficiency to a ballast efficacy factor value. 能源部提议了一套将测量的整流器电气效率转换成镇流器功效因子值的传递函数。
A novel electronic ballast with high power factor 新型功率因数补偿电子镇流器
Study on fluorescent lamp ballast circuit with high power factor 高功率因数日光灯镇流器电路研究
The development for some kinds of electronic ballast, having high power factor, less loss and smaller physical volume etc, has become insistent requirement. 所以设计一种高功率因数、高光效、体积小等优点的电子镇流器,已经成为HPS灯照明系统的迫切需要。本文就是基于此而开展研究工作的。
A Single-stage Electronic Ballast with Dimming Feature and Unity Power Factor 具有调光功能的高功率因数单级电子镇流器