Which would you rather own for a year : a private jet or a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport(GS)? 如果都可以开一年,你愿意开私人飞机,还是布加迪威龙(BugattiVeyron)的“GrandSport”跑车?
Grand sport culture is an ideal carrier in building quality of sportsman. 体育大文化是培养其素质的良好载体。
Track Terminal Timer System is mainly applied to various grand sport games, especially the international, intercontinental and national games. 径赛比赛终点计时系统主要应用于各类大型的体育赛会,尤其是世界级、洲际、国家级的各类体育赛会更是离不开它。
LED Display Screen in Grand Sport(GS) Games & A Review of LED Display Screens of Nanjing Olympic Center 体育盛会上的LED显示屏&南京奥体中心场馆LED显示屏评介
He said, this Sports Meet is one with unprecedented scale, a grand event in the sport arena that fully demonstrates the mission of " equality, participation, friendship and progress ". 他说,这届运动会将是一次规模空前、充分体现平等、参与、友谊、进步宗旨的体坛盛会。