A negative marker can be looked at in the same manner as a positive marker ( YES ). 可以使用和正面标记(YES)同样的方法来看待否定标记。
Sounding mad turns a negative marker into a correction and that's not what we want. 疯狂的声音会把否定标记变成纠正,这不是我们想要的。
Unlike a physical correction, which often takes drive out of the dog, a negative marker often has the opposite effect, it can add drive. 不像物理纠正,会降低狗的动力;否定标记经常具备积极的效果,它可以增加动力。
The research findings of the thesis can provide the reference for the pragmatic study of the negative marker. 论文的研究发现可以为否定标记语的语用学研究提供一定的参考。
The analysis of the specific implication of negative marker and its pragmatic functions may promote people to treat metalinguistic negation as a linguistic strategy which can be applied to the exchange to achieve unexpected effects. 研究元语言否定的否定标记语的具体内涵与语用功能可以促使人们将元语言否定作为一种语言策略,并运用到交际中以达到意想不到的效果。