You even know where the bit bucket is when Mother Nature calls. 您甚至了解了在不需要某些内容时,应该将其丢弃。
If you want to ignore that sort of output which is useful, because it often interferes with working at the command line redirect your output to the UNIX bit bucket, / dev / null. 如果您希望忽略这类输出(这是非常有价值的,因为它通常可以干预命令行中执行的操作),那么可以将输出重定向到UNIXbitbucket,/dev/null。
If you want to ignore all output, use the > & operator to send stdout and stderr to the bit bucket. 如果您希望忽略所有的输出,可以使用>&操作符以便将stdout和stderr丢弃。
The US banking system has always been a little bit like a leaky bucket. 美国银行体系始终有点像一只漏水的桶。