The Red Cow changes will introduce traffic light-free movements on a number of junctions at the complex interchange. 红牛道路交通变化将在几个复杂出入口引进无交通信号灯运动。
The method can design complex interchange and get results with arbitrary accuracy. 该算法可以设计复杂形状的立交,得到任意精度的数据结果。
Complexity property rights is a composite characteristic which demonstrated by the land rights, marine resources, state-owned property rights, because the tidal flats has the characteristics of land and marine resources which is in a complex interchange of land and sea. 复杂产权是指处于海陆交汇处的滩涂因同时具有土地资源和海洋资源特性,表现出来的土地产权、海洋国有产权以及海洋资源共有产权的特性。
SOAP message with XML format is transmitted in Web Services, and XML itself is the technology for structuring data, and therefore XML-based encryption is the ideal way to handle complex requirements for security in data interchange applications. Web服务使用XML格式的SOAP信息进行通信,而XML本身就是对数据进行结构化操作的技术,因此XML加密就成为Web服务中处理复杂安全性需求的理想方法。
Regional traffic network is a complex of section, station or interchange, and corresponding subsidiary facilities of different kinds of traffic modes. 区域交通网络是布置在区域的各种交通运输方式的路段、节点及相应的附属设施所组成的复合体。