He says that, during his initial two months in the United States, he had been subjected to harsh mental and physical torture by agents and interrogators from the CIA. 他说,他在美国的头两个月,遭到美国中情局特工和审问者严酷的精神和肉体折磨(PT)。
Walking in the park is physical torture! 在公园散步,辛苦死了!
Before they will bow to physical torture. 他们也不会屈服于你的严刑拷打。
I clearly should have only criticized America and left China's physical torture of political prisoners who have committed no crime unmentioned. 我应该只批评美国的,而不用去管中国对那些无罪的政治犯所作的肉体摧残。
The scientist of today is either a mixture of psychologist and inquisitor, studying with real ordinary minuteness the meaning of facial expressions, gestures, and tones of voice, and testing the truth-producing effects of drugs, shock therapy, hypnosis, and physical torture; 今天的科学家只有两类。一类是心理学家兼刑讯官,他们能极其细致地研究一个人面部表情、姿态、声调变化的意义,试验药物、震荡疗法、催眠、拷打的逼供效果。