For many applications the primary thread is the only one that the application requires; 对于绝大多数的应用程式来说,通常仅需要有一个主线程(PT)。
The scheduler actually dispatches threads to the primary thread prior to dispatching the tread to its secondary. 调度程序实际上优先将线程分派到主线程(PT)。
Each process is started with a single thread, often called the primary thread, but can create additional threads from any of its threads. 每个进程由一个通常称之为主线程(PT)的线程开始,但也能从它任意子线程中创建额外的线程。
There is one primary thread associated with a user session, and there could be many more depending on how client's requests are being processed. 一个用户会话有一个相关联的主线程(PT);根据处理客户机请求的方式不同,可能有许多其他线程。
This article puts forward the primary thread to achieve the sustainable development of real estate and demonstrates it by an example. 作者通过对房地产可持续发展的理论思考,提出了实现房地产可持续发展的基本思路,并举实例说明了如何在房地产开发的实践中做到可持续发展。